Saturday, November 7, 2009

7 November 2009

Today, I began the perilous journey of web design by actually opening Dreamweaver and trying to design my page. While I considered using one of the website templates, I did not find one that I really liked. It seems as if those templates, while well deigned, don't have quite what I'm looking for. I'm afraid that if I used one, the regression of links would begin to get too complicated; or I'm terrified that if I accidentally edit one part of that unfamiliar code incorrectly (which is likely), it will come cascading down on my head in a horrible pile of broken links and dead images. So, I'm using my own design. Today, I actually made the home page. Here is my development, as shown in pictures.

I also changed the background color, by going to Modify->page properties
I used the eyedropper so that my background color would be the same as my graphic's color.

So far, things have been going pretty well. However, issues have started to arise. My columns are mismatched, and my information is hard to see. In addition, I don't have nearly as many columns as I need.
I tried to start to fix some of these problems

While admittedly better than before, this site still has some issues. all green will be distracting. I want the cells of my table to be white.
Upon all this messing around with colors and styles, I utilized css- cascading style sheets.
That is the sidebar in the GUI interface; below is the code version of the css sheet I created.
It was more work than I expected, but when I looked at my website with eyes tired from staring at a computer too long, I knew it was good.