Friday, November 27, 2009

27 Novemeber 2009

Today, I worked extremely hard on making the site "cleaner" and updating pages.

First, I realized that all of my images needed to be inside my website folder for them to appear when uploaded. So, I transfered gobs of tests, pictures, etc. Then, knowing that capital letters mess up web addresses, I changed the titles of many of my pages so that they incorporated lover case letters and no uppercase ones.
Then, after changing these housekeeping items, I created near-blank pages for every every meet, event, and test. I simply did this by saving one template over and over again.
For the test template, I did have to do a little working arou
nd issues. Because the test pictures are such big files, I actually used a javascript, spry component which made use of collapsible panels. After reading the internet help section, and using the tool in DW (which was rather easy), I came up with the following:
1. A code for the widget, with new css and js sheets attached.

The collapsible panels themselves:
In the section labeled content goes the test, in the gray section I put in the year that test was given.

I also finished all of the pages for Meet 3, and half of the Meet 4 Pages.