Tuesday, December 15, 2009

15 December 2009

Today, I turned in the completed questionnaire. I will send this questionnaire to my tester, and have her fill it out.
Here is what I wrote:

Name: __________________

Grade: __________________


Math Team Member: Yes No


1. How long have you been on the math team?

2. Was the site fully functional? If not, what bugs did you encounter?

3. Were there any mistakes with the math (incorrect formulas, properties, etc.)?

4. What could be done to make this site more user-friendly?

5. What kind of information would you like to see added?

6. Would you use this site as a resource? Why or why not?

7. Any additional comments, questions or concerns?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

14 December 2009

Today, discussed the Criterion J questionnaire in class. Our teacher told us to complete it in this manner:
(Sample Questionnaire)
Occupation/reason for being a tester_____
ex. What school do you attend? Are you a member of the math team?
Then, follow by asking open end-questions about the functionality and information on the site.
ex. Is the website completely functional?
Would you like to see more information added?
What more would you like to see?
Would you use this sitr? Why or why not?

Friday, December 11, 2009

11 Decemeber 2009

Today we uploaded our sites.
Now, I have the real url of www.tech21.us/mpiitgs/rroley

Upon first upload, all seemed good and well. The desired information was on each pages, the background color looked correct, and the images were all showing. I promptly emailed the URL to my first Beta-tester, fellow mathlete Jane Krot.

When I finish my questionnaire, I will email this to Jane as well.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

10 December 2009

Today, I got a lot of time to work on my webpage.
I began by copying more, new information from my research into the website. The actual designing is over, so it's more of a matter now of getting all the information in. While most of it is in, I still have some work to do. Our teacher told us we were posting our sites today, or at least the first draft. This made me a bit nervous, as I am not nearly as close to being done as I would like to be.
In addition, in preparation for site posting, we have had to copy all of our files from our flash drives to our student folders. The transfer met no problems- all the files copied over. However, once it got inside in my student folder I realized that several of the images were broken.
That was a bit discouraging. However, after looking through the files on my user account, I realized that many of my images did not have paths within my new folder.
So, I had to re-save the images from their old locations (various places on my flash drive) and place them into the new student folder.

By the end of the class, however, we had run out of time; we would not have time during the class to publish our sites. This was partially because we had to upload the sites of the people who did their websites on Dreamweaver as well as iWeb. This was also because some of the students realized that had not home page; because they did not have a pages named index.html, the site would not recognize their pages.

I also worked on Critereon I.
I realized that I had not provided nearly enough visual evidence, so I commenced to add in screenshots to my Criterion I, and commented on them.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

9 December 2009

Today in class we discussed Criterion I. Until this point, we have merely been completely rough drafts. However, our teacher explained that we would have to turn in a graded version by Friday.

On this version, we would have to have:
Detailed Schedule- This should include who does what and when. Our teacher recommended a table format.
Visual Evidence- This would include the planning, inspiration web diagrams and office diagrams, as well as screen shots taken throughout the design process.
This is probably the section I need the most work on. I have only the web diagrams so far. I was unaware that we needed so many screenshots.
Software Required- This would include the company, model, version, and a small description of what it was used for.
Hardware Required- This included the hardware, a description, and the specs
Sources- This includes where we got all of our data.

Monday, December 7, 2009

7 December 2009

Today, we received feedback on our logbooks.
Our teacher stressed the importance of visual evidence, so I think in the future I will include more pictures with captions.

Friday, December 4, 2009

4 Decemeber 2009

Unfortunately, my free trial of Dreamweaver is up. This means that, from now on, I will be using only the school computers to post information onto my website.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2 December 2009

It turns out that we will not be uploading our websites until Friday or Monday, so today in class we had the opportunity to continue to work on our projects.
I fixed up the home page, which needed something on it other than just "welcome" and worked on getting all the links up to speck.
Unfortunately, I noticed that one of the sites I've been using, and been copying images from, purplemath.com, is under copyright. I have no wish to infringe copyright law, so I took off those pictures to avoid any difficulty. This is a bit of a setback; I now have regenerate images for all of those events, which will probably be a bit of a pain. No worries, though. I shall venture upwards and onwards.